An Early Stream of “Monolithic Structures” from PROSPECTORS’ ‘Proven Lands’ (2021)PREMIERE

Today we are premiering “Monolithic Structures”, a key track from ‘Proven Lands‘ the debut full-length album from Netherlands-based technical/experimental metal duo PROSPECTORS. As an instrumental metal album the holistic listening experience provided is notably fluid in its generation of dizzying and often dissonant voicing, presenting frantic ideas with an easy hand which fans of modern black metal and the ulterior corners post-metal should appreciate. The session presence from current Pestilence drummer Michiel van der Plicht is especially notable throughout. “Monolithic Structures” offers one of the more challenging compositions on ‘Proven Lands’ and as such it is also one of the most rewarding events on the full listen. To give us a window into the thought process the band comments: “The intro of Monolithic Structures is the first music that we ever wrote for Prospectors. It starts out with a Steve Reich-ian type theme and expands it into a more and more dissonant pattern that quickly climaxes in a blastbeat section. This first part was intended as a composition in which the whole is bigger than the sum of its parts. Inspired by contemporary classical composers such as Györgi Ligeti and Krzysztof Penderecki, we built it around tone clusters spread out between guitar and bass. Rhythms sync as the listener delves deeper under the surface. About halfway through we tried to flip the script. The atonal passage gradually makes way for a more melodic section, and individual instruments are each given their own space to develop their parts and tell their own story. To us this is one of the big advantages of writing instrumental music, it leaves a lot of room for individual variation and creativity. Ultimately the song ends with a variation on an earlier guitar melody that builds some tension, guided by a syncopated rhythm section. This tension is ultimately released in the beginning of the last song on our album, Vortex.”

Scroll down for a full stream of “Monolithic Structures”.

PROSPECTORS will independently release ‘Proven Lands‘ on Compact Disc this coming November 12th. It can be ordered over on Bandcamp HERE and you can follow the band over on FACEBOOK. Thanks goes to the band and their representation for the opportunity to share this song.

Per the press release:

‘Proven Lands’ is the debut album by Prospectors wherein the Dutchmen mine the uncharted lands of extreme metal. Six compositions were recorded with session-drummer Michiel van der Plicht (Pestilence, Carach Angren, ex-God Dethroned) including “Obsidious Veins”, introducing their music with ferocious dissonance and musical ingenuity. In “Become Void” the synth takes over, evoking mystery and suspense. Then the push and pull that opens “Monolithic Structures” gradually turns into a blast beat driven hurricane and makes way for a rocking climax. With ‘Proven Lands’ the Dutchmen take you on a 33-minute trip that is cerebral yet emotive, familiar yet unknown.

In their own words:

“After playing in various (mostly black metal) bands for over a decade, we decided we wanted to try something different. Aware of the limitations we faced and sensing both of us desired to push the envelope conceptually, Prospectors was born. As Prospectors, we take an organic and dynamic sound and use it to explore new musical concepts. We take abstractions and translate these to solid, often dissonant, songs. In doing this we emphasize always putting the music first.”

1. Ravelling Motion (4:30)
2. Obsidious Veins (4:52)*
3. Descent into the Unknown (6:34)
4. Become Void (3:22)
5. Monolithic Structures (4:43)^
6. Vortex (8:04)
Total: (32:06)

Michiel van der Werff – guitars
Matthias Ruijgrok  – bass & synth
Michiel van der Plicht – drums (session)

Recorded by Prospectors & Michiel van der Plicht
Mixed by Michiel van der Werff
Mastering by Colin Marston
Artwork by Joost Vervoort
Photos by R. Schmidt
Design by Galgenvot

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