Regnvm Animale / Norn – Brinna/Brenna [Split] (2018) REVIEW

Split LPs are often gateways to discovering exceptional like-minded artists without the claustrophobia that compilations can sometimes bring. Without split records like ‘Warfare Noise I’, ‘Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins’, and ‘Crushing the Holy Trinity’ I would have missed out on amazing scenes like Brazilian thrash, Greek black metal, and such. On ‘Brinna/Brenna’ we get two modern takes on crust punk influenced black metal from Swedish black metal band Regnvm Animale and Icelandic group Norn. Each band takes modern, somewhat atmospheric black metal and incorporates influences from crust punk’s wide ranging vision. It cements both groups in my mind as bands to watch in the future as they’re onto something unique here.

Regnvm Animale’s incorporation of UK ’82 and modern neo-crust comes more in the guitar riffing and choruses, which suggests melodic influence from crust rather than big loud Totalitär riffs like you’d find on a Kvelertak record. There is such a strong atmospheric black metal sound that the punk elements merely offer unexpected melody, it is as if the original Ulver were playing Antisect covers and leaning towards post-hardcore a bit. “I Döden” is probably the best example of both sides of black metal and punk influences colliding in full, whereas the rest of their side only dips in and out of the sound. It is remarkably catchy and a sound well worth exploring more.

Where Regnvm Animale’s side is an easy, thoughtful listen I suppose Norn’s side is more of a raw-wounded beast. Their sound goes from resembling a chaotic black metal Filth to something closer to Vestiges on songs like “Af Svörtum Álfum og Öpum Þeirra”. The shouted vocals and Icelandic language tend to remind me of listening to old Polish hardcore punk compilations in the 90’s, and I can only imagine what the lyrics are all about. Norn have their finger on the pulse of modern black metal, similar to their split-mates, and offer a consistently aggressive approach to punk influences that is felt more in the drumming than anywhere else. Their ‘Brenna’ side is the band at their most anarcho-punk and in turn is their most organic sounding material to date compared to the almost grindcore blast of their ‘BÖRN: Vltima Permonvm Conea’ album from a few years back. The conclusion ‘Ábreiða’ is an acoustic track that lends another dimension to this diverse split album’s style.


Artist Regnvm Animale / Norn
Type Album, Split
Released January 26, 2018
BUY/LISTEN on Bandcamp! Regnvm Animale – Facebook  Norn – Facebook

Build a city on their bones. 3.25/5.0


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