An Early Stream of CHAINSWORD’s ‘Blightmarch’ LP (2021)PREMIERE

Today we have the honor of premiering the monomolecularly-edged eviscerating saw blade of Warsaw, Poland-based death metal quintet CHAINSWORD‘s debut album ‘Blightmarch‘. From the very first listen these guys launched a unconscionably brutal planetary assault upon me, as if they were wielded by Ragnar Blackmane himself… Eh, but hey if you’re not keen on the Warhammer 40k references you’re still going to love this record, especially if you’re a fan of Bolt Thrower, ‘On the Wings of Inferno’-era Asphyx, Hail of Bullets and hidden gem bands like Vore (U.S.) and Decaying who not only bring mortar-chucking riffs by the ton but also a solid handle on the melodic guitar work that made albums like ‘Warmaster’ and ‘…For Victory’ so memorable. Chainsword aren’t some random replicae army but a ruthlessly catchy blast of thunderous ‘old school’ death metal you’re going to dig. The production on this one is huge, too, thanks to the final render from the always brilliant Satanic Audio. Pay close attention to the rhythm guitar work on “Spinehammer”, the guttural roars and regal volleys of narrative lead guitar on “Exterminatus”, and don’t miss the guest solo from Cheesy Dude (Belzebong, Weedpecker) on the title track. Plus, hey, stick around for my personal favorite track “Horus, the Chosen Son” while you’re at it. ‘Blightmarch‘ will be available on CD and digital download this Saturday, February 27th through the fine folks at Godz ov War Productions. Thanks goes to the band and their record label for the opportunity to share this fantastic record a few days early!

Photo by Bartek Kuzia

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