SYNCHRONY: Music News, Week in Review & Upcoming (7/26/2019)

SYNCHRONY is a weekly feature focusing on relevant heavy music news, new releases, upcoming releases, as well as a week in review to help folks keep up with all of the content on GrizzlyButts. This’ll also include a list of upcoming releases and some preliminary notes on upcoming reviews or coverage. Some Seattle, Washington area live shows will be intermittently featured. If you have New Releases, show announcements, or important heavy music news that’ll be relevant or interesting to folks contact me at: Priority to PR/label submissions and straight up if I can’t hear it, I won’t cover it.


  • Comprised of big-name death metal compatriots quintet BERZERKER LEGION have announced the release of their debut single ‘Of Blood and Ash’ as a digital release for Listenable Records on all platforms for July 26th. BERZERKER LEGION was formed in 2016 between members of Hypocrisy and Asphyx and then rounded out by James Stewart (Vader) on drums, Jonny Pettersson (Wombbath) on vocals and Fredrik Isaksson (Dark Funeral) on bass. This is way better than I’d expected, kind of like later Thyrfing but I really hope they consider a more dynamic mix that isn’t so artificially loud. A debut full-length is coming in 2020. They’d self-released the title track on YouTube back in January if you want to check it out: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Debemur Morti Productions has announced the signing of Swiss atmospheric black metal project AARA – a new but already finely melodic take on classic atmospheric black metal. A brand new digital single ‘Anthropozän’ serves to celebrate the union and give a warm ten minute chunk that exemplifies why they’re a bit special and worthy of the signing. I love the melodic guitar work on this track, it dances about like Wagner at times yet feels about to crumble throughout. Listen on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • To celebrate the union of Ukrainian-born musician Markov Soroka and Prophecy Productions each of his three projects – DROWN, TCHORNOBOG & AUREOLE – will receive general discography reissues in physical formats starting with: Tchornobog’s self-titled debut album, Drown’s “Unsleep” and Aureole’s “Alunar”. I’d say Drown’s album is the most underrated of the bunch and would recommend starting there: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]

  • There is no more room in Hell in the murderous eyes of ABYSMAL LORD and to celebrate the coming genocide of untrue war metal sycophants, Hell’s Headbangers has sets August 16th as the release date for the New Orleans, Louisiana band’s second album, ‘Exaltation of the Infernal Cabal‘. Suckle on the testicular blood of their “Scythe of Damnation” as they neuter the hordes of false war metal: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]

  • Dallas, Texas hardcore/death metal unit CREEPING DEATH will unleash their ‘Wretched Illusions’ debut full-length worldwide via Entertainment One on September 27th. Their sound is interesting enough as it combines elements of heavier late 90’s hardcore (Madball, Strife) with classic death metal (Obituary, Grave, Bolt Thrower) and ends up pulling off some pretty heavy riffs in the process. Watch for this if you’re really into Fuming Mouth and Mammoth Grinder. Check out the video for “Bloodlust Contamination” on YouTube: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • There can never be ‘too much’ influence or straight worship from the most classic realm of early 90’s Hellenic black metal so, it brings great joy to relay Hell’s Headbangers announcement that August 30th will be the release date for SYNTELEIA‘s debut album, ‘Ending of the Unknown Path‘. The ancient’s blood fuels their classic Hellenic black metal style that resembles the big ’93 releases of the Greek arena (Rotting Christ, Varathron, Necromantia) while remaining well tuned towards the greater underground pieces of that same era such as Tatir, Zemial, and such. As if the glory of Funeral Storm wasn’t enough this debut will thrill folks who are as savage a fan of this style as I. Check out the very ’95 Varathron-esque “Missioner of Sorrow” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]

  • Hell’s Headbangers have set September 6th as the international release date for SLAUGHTBBATH‘s second full-length, ‘Alchemical Warfare’, on all formats. Fifteen years deep and still hot to the touch, Slaughtbbath have always brought intense and immediate black/death metal sounds as a power-trio and no doubt this one has, so far, previewed at or above the level of their debut. Check out explosive punch of “Resuscitation by Immortal Scorn” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]

  • A couple of fellows from Primal Rite (among many other San Francisco area punk and metal projects) have found their way to the cellar where Caligari Records dwells and in collaboration they’ve set August 23rd as the international release date for ABYSMALIST‘s debut demo, ‘Reflections of Horror’, on cassette. You’re in for some death metal, dummy! Abysmalist rule! But man, you shouldn’t expect any less from Caligari, always damned select choices. Check out the puke-ridden preview track “Black Lacquer” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]

  • Indiana based blackened thrash trio WRAITH are ripping open a new can of worms with their forthcoming second full-length, ‘Absolute Power’. Their brand of punkish blackened speed/thrash metal is an uber traditional, Whiplash-meets-Toxic Holocaust kinda grind. Check it out for yourself on their bandcamp (“Devil’s Hour”): [Click/Tap HERE for more info]

  • Blood Harvest Records have set September 27th as the international release date for a new EP from Iranian death metal kings NEX CARNIS entitled ‘Black Eternity’, on 7″ vinyl format. Back in 2014 their debut album ‘Obscure Visions of Dark’ was one of my favorite records of the year which I described as “An ear-popping, angel-strangling, good time.” Couldn’t be more psyched for this release! [Click/Tap HERE for more info]

  • HYPE ALBUMS AT PRESS THIS WEEK FROM: Serpent Column, Witch Vomit, Bhleg, Nex Carnis, Synteleia, Antichrist Siege Machine, Restless Spirit, Sertraline, Abysmal Lord, Here Lies Man, Bretus, Slaughtbbath, Kansakunnan Ylpeys, Eternity, Galaxy, Chaos Motion, Midnight Prey, Sophist, Firefriend, Consummation, and several more. Look for coverage in the near future. Don’t see your album listed? Send it to me!

GRIZZLY BUTTS‘ WEEK IN REVIEW (7/20/19 – 7/26/19)


  • Ten From the Tomb 7/22/19: The blood of all kings soaks our swords.
    • This week I chose to cover a spread of modern traditional heavy metal records that all stood out in recent memory as notable or interesting. My pure metal listening habits have waned in the middle of the year, as they usually do during the summer months, but I was very happy to have finally put thoughts into words for some of these releases.
    • Must hear: By Fire & Sword, Ravensire, Hemisferio.
    • Next week’s theme will focus on my current review backlog and the records I’ve been slacking on so far in 2019. This is subject to change. I won’t be doing polls on Patreon anymore for TFTT subjects because I’ve discontinued the Patreon campaign because I wanted to be fully independent and work only for myself.
  • Thrash ‘Til Death #30: Magnus (Poland) 1987-1994
    • Magnus weren’t the earliest extreme metal band in Poland but they were technically the first death metal band to release a proper full-length in the country. It was 80’s death metal, a mixture of brutal thrash, death metal, and came with the slapping heft of Brazilian bands of the era. They didn’t start out that brutal, though, and watching their progression from heavy/speed metal to thrash, death/thrash, death metal and then… groove/death (?) was a lot of fun.
    • Next week (7/30) will feature legendary Canadian ‘proto-death metal’ skull-smashers Slaughter from 1984-1989. A huge favorite of mine that I’m excited about!

REVIEWS: Although I like to typically publish 8-10 reviews per weekday cycle aiming for a slightly more casual approach in July has allowed me to think a bit more about my goals with the site and how to reach them. Also I’ve been working harder at my day job so that I can afford to publish a physical zine supplemental at the end of the year. There will be a great deal of catching up to do in the coming months as a more frantic release season begins in September, for now I’m generally trying to dig up the bigger oversights of the first half of the year and stay current with what I consider standout releases. Next week is stacked with brilliant stuff: Finally some thrash metal!

UPCOMING SHOWS: [That I’ll likely attend]

  • ACID KING w/Wizard Rifle, Warish 9/21/19 @ Highline – Seattle, WA
  • VOIVOD & REVOCATION w/Skeletal Remains 9/25/19 @ El Corazon – Seattle, WA
  • ELIMINATOR FEST 2019 w/Deceased, Morbid Saint, Witch Vomit, R.I.P. & more 9/27 @ El Corazon – Seattle, WA


Possessor Gravelands

NOTE: This small sample includes overlooked releases that are not yet reviewed or covered but are recommended. Some of these will still be featured in other coverage. An asterisk (*) indicates that a review is drafted or in preparation. Click/Tap on RECORD LABEL name for preview, stream, or store.

UPCOMING RELEASES (7/27/19 – 8/02/19)


NOTE: This is not a comprehensive list, some titles are already reviewed and/or covered and some have yet to enter the final queue for consideration and processing. An asterisk (*) indicates that a review is drafted or in preparation. Click/Tap on RECORD LABEL name for preview, stream, or store.

Did I miss something important this week? Send me an e-mail and tell me about it. It is always worthwhile to speak up for the lesser known stuff. Please remember you can contribute to my Patreon @ only $1 USD per month ($12 a year) to help keep me in front of the computer writing about metal. Thanks.

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