SYNCHRONY: Music News, Week in Review & Upcoming (7/19/2019)

SYNCHRONY is a weekly feature focusing on relevant heavy music news, new releases, upcoming releases, as well as a week in review to help folks keep up with all of the content on GrizzlyButts. This’ll also include a list of upcoming releases and some preliminary notes on upcoming reviews or coverage. Some Seattle, Washington area live shows will be intermittently featured. If you have New Releases, show announcements, or important heavy music news that’ll be relevant or interesting to folks contact me at: Priority to PR/label submissions and straight up if I can’t hear it, I won’t cover it.


  • Thirsting from your void-hole? Mind in disarray? Try some doom metal, actually make it some German doom metal with some modernist black metal influences in there too from Eisenach based solo act WELTFREMD who bring to us a rough and burning bout of “Styx” as a preview of their upcoming ‘Nachwelt’ full-length, due out September 6th as a self-release. Check out the song on YouTube, love the ending: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • The years chisel away at those who’d take a stand in one place long enough and there a sculpture or a wretched gnarl of rock remains. Portland, Oregon duo NIGHTFELL choose to be the acid rain creating the eddies that’d shape that stone with ‘A Sanity Deranged’, their third album and second for 20 Buck Spin who’ve announced its release for September 13th. What is it they do? In the past the duo of Todd Burdette (Tragedy) and Tim Call (Aldebaran, Sempiternal Dusk, Parasitic Records) could be accused of blackened death metal with a funereal atmospheric sense (see: Dolorian) but this is even deeper injected with death/doom’s graces at first glance. Make your own observations, click over to Bandcamp and check out “The Swallowing of Flies”: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Groningen, Netherlands heavy metal legends VORTEX celebrate their 40th anniversary with ten songs that’d been written in 1987 that are now recorded by the band as a well-oiled machine in 2019. The record will be titled ‘Them Witches’ that’ll see the light of day on September 27 via Gates of Hell Records. Not familiar with the band? Think of Canada’s Thor but a little more open-minded when it comes to getting heavy. You gotta go grab ‘Open the Gates’ (1986) if you love NWOBHM styled heavy metal! [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • In case you’d been too stoned to notice, ah man you’ll probably forget! But hey, Swedish stoner/doom metal trio FIREBREATHER signed up for the venerable status shared within RidingEasy Records‘ stash of bands and whoa we’re already ready to receive the gift of “Dancing Flames”, a preview track from their second full-length album ‘Under a Blood Moon’ coming September 27th. They still sound like early High on Fire and that ain’t a bad deal! Check out the song on YouTube: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Ya blew it! You messed around all 2018 and you missed THE PRIMALS‘ frickin’ grunged up ‘All Love is True Love’ album but its no big deal because Southern Lord has it in stock and the band’ve released a video for “Hello Cruel World” that’ll make you want to check it all out. Catchy song, and from folks (Dead to Fall, Darkest Hour) you’d not expect this kind of ‘power-pop’-Pixies goosing around from. Listen on YouTube, they want to smell you live so hit ’em up. [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Portland, Oregon based atmosludge/post-metal quartet A//TAR have released the first track from their September 6th debut on Monochord Records. “Horology” does a lot to point towards this band’s distinct take on atmospheric sludge that is one part post-metal/sludge but filtered through atmospheric doom metal where it all feels riff-driven and rooted in metal. Check the song out on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Italian stoner/traditional doom metal act BRETUS will summon a fourth incantation by way of full-length via Ordo MCM who’ll unleash it on September 27th. If you liked that Suum album I reviewed last year this band has that same vocalist with a different style here that reminds me of classic 80’s Pentagram. I am personally very hyped for this release! Listen to the majesty that is “Cosmic Crow” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • If you’d missed Phoenix, Arizona grindcore band WOUNDVAC‘s debut full-length ‘Terrorizing the Swarm’ then maybe you’ll be keen to the momentum they’re riding beyond with their upcoming EP on Corpse Flower Records entitled ‘The Road Ahead’ which’ll be released September 13th. Damn that is some -bass- guitar thump! Check it out if you’re into Misery Index kinda stuff. Rip through “Tightening Chain” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • SEMPITERNAL DUSK return from five years in the depths with a ‘Cenotaph of Defectuous Creation’, a herald to their primitive death/doom ways emboldened by more vibrant production values. This is a gift to look forward to especially coming a couple of weeks after Nightfell’s album, as both albums feature drummer Tim Call. Sempiternal Dusk also feature members of Shroud of the Heretic, Aldebaran, and Burials. Watch for this album’s release on September 27 on all formats via Dark Descent Records. Preview the album closer “Spears of Pestilence” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Stockholm, Sweden’s GOATESS have announced their third full-length with Svart Records, ‘Blood and Wine’, and first with Karl Buhre of Crucifyre on vocals and current Count Raven bassist Samuel Cornelson. Though they’re surely still bringing a stoned, psychedelic take on traditional doom metal classics their sound is sure to have changed some since the exit of ex-Saint Vitus/Lord Vicar vocalist Chritus. We’ll have to see once the singles start to drop, for now here’s a pre-order link with more info: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Iron Bonehead Productions has announced September 20th as the release date for GRAUBUNHOLD‘s debut EP, ‘Unter dem Banner der Toten’, on CD and LP. This German black metal band pull from the fluid, melodic ache of mid-90’s Scandinavian for inspiration with material that now eclipses their first demo, ‘Auf den Hügelgräberhöhen‘ circa 2017. The drum sound is a small irritant but the guitar work completely ‘makes’ this experience. Check it out on SoundCloud: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Oceanside, California psycho sludge punk trio WARISH have announced their debut full-length on RidingEasy Records will arrive September 13th. Aiming for the ragged punk rock swing and the gnarly buzz of early grunge, Warish features none other than Riley Hawk (as in the Tony Hawk progeny and pro-skater) who I’ve reviewed before. If you’re not sure what to expect from the album check out the opener “Healter Skelter” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • Masters of the simple-yet-effective Satanic panic’d Christ-stabbing inferno of blackened death blast the sadistic cult of Finland’s SADOKIST return to beat down upon the children of ‘God’ one blast-beat at a time. Consider their style somewhere between classic 2000’s Finnish revivalists and the most primal hatred from South America circa 1987. Their latest album ‘Necrodual Dimension Funeral Storms’ is out August 30th and you can preview “Beater of Children of God” on Bandcamp: [Click/Tap HERE for more info]
  • HYPE ALBUMS AT PRESS THIS WEEK FROM: Cerebral Rot, Sempiternal Dusk, Sadokist, Ancient Moon, Daxma, Sabotage, Oxx, Polemicist, Visceral Disgorge, Wizard Rifle, Shock Narcotic, Goatburner, Goatess, Pyramido,  and several more. Look for coverage in the near future. Don’t see your album listed? Send it to me!

GRIZZLY BUTTS‘ WEEK IN REVIEW (7/13/19 – 7/19/19)


  • Ten From the Tomb 7/16/19: Breathe concrete, exhale gasoline.
    • This week I chose the subject of Ten From the Tomb and again wanted to feature independent bands that sent in requests for their material to be reviewed.
    • Must hear: Impavida, Ninth Realm, Mechanimal.
    • Next week’s theme will be decided Patreon Patrons, who look to have voted for a traditional heavy metal list.
  • Thrash ‘Til Death #29: Fatal (Michigan, United States) 1985-1991
    • Fatal were a brief union but still a vital fixture in the tiny Detroit thrash metal scene when they started and the support for death/thrash was just never there for them. An underrated band that really deserves to be heard on their ‘Soul Burns’ demo from 1989.
    • Next week (7/23) will feature Polish underground death-thrashers Magnus from 1987-1994.

REVIEWS: Another somewhat light week for reviews due to a busy couple of weeks at work. I’ve had a lot of middle-of-the-road albums start to warm up but this week I’d only focused on the stuff that was a cut above. The big release of the week for me was Desecresy with Halshug not far behind. Falls of Rauros and Pathetic were both intended for review this week but will likely happen over the weekend instead.

UPCOMING SHOWS: [That I’ll likely attend]

  • ACID KING w/Wizard Rifle, Warish 9/21/19 @ Highline – Seattle, WA
  • VOIVOD & REVOCATION w/Skeletal Remains 9/25/19 @ El Corazon – Seattle, WA
  • ELIMINATOR FEST 2019 w/Deceased, Morbid Saint, Witch Vomit, R.I.P. & more 9/27 @ El Corazon – Seattle, WA



NOTE: This small sample includes overlooked releases that are not yet reviewed or covered but are recommended. Some of these will still be featured in other coverage. An asterisk (*) indicates that a review is drafted or in preparation. Click/Tap on RECORD LABEL name for preview, stream, or store.

UPCOMING RELEASES (7/20/19 – 7/26/19)

12 Jacket (3mm Spine) [GDOB-30H3-007}

NOTE: This is not a comprehensive list, some titles are already reviewed and/or covered and some have yet to enter the final queue for consideration and processing. An asterisk (*) indicates that a review is drafted or in preparation. Click/Tap on RECORD LABEL name for preview, stream, or store.

Did I miss something important this week? Send me an e-mail and tell me about it. It is always worthwhile to speak up for the lesser known stuff. Please remember you can contribute to my Patreon @ only $1 USD per month ($12 a year) to help keep me in front of the computer writing about metal. Thanks.

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